
Monday, January 26, 2015

Groundhog's Day

To be honest, I'm not very big on celebrating holidays, especially ones like Groundhog's Day.

If I do anything, I like to keep it simple and sweet, and I want it to connect to academics.

Here's a short video I found. It gives a little background information about Groundhog's Day and talks about groundhogs the animal. Did you know that a Groundhog is the same thing as a woodchuck?

Since the video starts out with the tongue twister, 'How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?' I have a little freebie for you to accompany this video. If you're learning the poem, it's a perfect time to talk about homophones, so I made a little worksheet. Click on the pictures to get them for free. Please leave some nice feedback and follow my store when you're there. How do you celebrate Groundhog's Day, or do you ignore it? :)

If you found this post to be helpful or fun, I hope you'll follow me on social media and at my TPT or TN store.

I'm so happy to be able to link up with Cheryl the Techie Turtle Teacher for this new linky.

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  1. Deb,
    Cute and informative video...thank you for sharing!

  2. This was very informative. I am adding this now to my plans for Groundhogs Day! Thanks


  3. Thanks for linking up this week! The video is so cute! Perfect to start thinking about plans for next week!

    Techie Turtle Teacher

  4. Thanks for the freebie! I plan to use that video in my room, as well. The materials you made will be perfect.
    Laughter and Consistency


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